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Coffee Encounters: Adventures to origin



Coffee is a part of so many Australian’s lives. Millions cannot start their morning without sipping that warm, energizing and comforting drink. It is so intertwined with people’s routine; drinking coffee is something we do almost automatically. Such simple action though, is the end of a complex and laborious process not many know about.
In the upcoming hardcover book Coffee Encounters: Adventures to Origin (Smudge Books $69.99), Authors Jonette George & Tyson Hunter invite readers on a journey to origin to meet the farmers, pickers, importers, roasters, cafés and the baristas who go to great lengths to make each coffee ritual as perfect as possible. You’ll meet some of the world’s most charismatic, passionate and innovative people and learn just how much hard work goes into the cup of coffee we enjoy each morning.
The book follows Australia’s leading roasters on a journey through the most exotic coffee farming regions within Latin America and Indonesia, and visit leading manufacturers in Italy. Filled with stunning photographs and heart-warming personal stories of the people behind the beans, Coffee Encounters: Adventures to Origin is a must read for those curious to learn more about the origin of coffee, its people, and its travels.

Have a quick look at this excerpt from their journey through Latin America, Italy and Indonesia.


You can now watch this video on LG connected TV and all brands of smartphones globally! Relax in your lounge room and enjoy
